So, you’ve taken the plunge and subscribed to PLM 360, configured it to meet your requirements, and it now forms an integral part of your suite of critical business systems, alongside the likes of your ERP system and CRM solution. But have you considered the value integrating one or more of these systems with PLM 360 might bring? The ultimate aim of PLM is to achieve a single common environment for product information, giving one version of the truth for all stakeholders. Synchronising that information with data in other enterprise systems and databases expands that concept further, magnifying the value PLM 360 can bring.
For example, synchronising bills of material in PLM 360 with your ERP solution can reduce time wasted re-keying duplicate information, and help avoid costly purchasing or manufacturing errors. Similarly, integrating PLM 360 with your CRM system can save time and improve accuracy in your RFQ responses. These are just a few examples of what could be realised.
“But, isn’t system integration really complex?” I hear you ask. Well, it doesn’t have to be. PLM 360 Connect is designed to help you do this, but in an efficient way. Just as PLM 360 re-defined simplicity in the PLM world, so PLM 360 Connect changes the game when it comes to ease of integration.
We’re creating a series of PLM TV videos to outline what PLM 360 Connect is all about, and what it could offer you. The first one focuses on joining PLM 360 to SAP, but the principles are the same for many other types of integration. Take a look, and see how PLM 360 Connect could help you join the dots …
-- Gavin England
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